Living Lab

What is the living lab?

The Living Lab consists of living-buildings, such as residential and educational, to better understand how people use energy and their preferences in real-life.

Living Buildings

A range of building types, energy sources, load profiles and occupancy. Retrofitted with room controls and sensors, connected to a cloud-based digital platform.
Living Buildings


Realize different viewpoints

Realize theirs own bias

Together shape solution

Change perspectives

Solution fits user needsand paint points

Living Lab


Evaluate how well solutions work for users

Learn customer expectations regarding solutions

Improve message to fit user’s jargon and concerns

Discover new use-cases and business ideas

We helps businesses develop products and services with real users

We help businesses develop products and services with real users

  • Validate services, product performance and features with real users.

  • Don’t waste time building your own lab. Utilize ours to quickly identify behavior and performance barriers to user adoption.

  • Guarantee it’s not a “one-off” through interacting with a diverse pool of users, your solution can be made to work in more than one place and in different contexts.

  • Discover new value propositions inspired by unmet needs.

Citizen Scientists

Extend our community of users
  • Reach-out to participants, ensuring that all types of people are included, such as vulnerable people;
  • Act as change agent through raising awareness and change the behaviours of the community.
Become the voice of the community of users
  • Help users getting the most of the living lab experience and answer their questions;
  • Gain insights about users’ experience, through formulating research questions, conducting scientific experiments, collecting and analysing data and interpreting results.
Citizen Scientists

Are you our next volunteer Citizen Scientist?

Get involved and help us making the energy transition accessible to everyone